The public disclosure policy of Koza Gold Operations Inc aims to ensure that the shareholders, investors, public and other stakeholders are easily, accurately, timely, completely, and comprehensibly disclosed information, with exception of trade secrets,  on the company’s activities, financial status, and developments that may affect share prices. In implementation of public disclosure policy, Capital Market procedures, the provisions of Turkish Trade Act and arrangements of Istanbul Stock Exchange the Company listed in, and Capital Market Board’s Management Principles are taken basis to follow.

Board of Management is responsible for generating, reviewing and developing public disclosure policy. The implementations in connection with public disclosure policy are governed in co-ordination with Assistant General Manager in charge of Investor Relations.

 Methods and Instruments

The methods and instruments used implantation of public disclosure are as follow:

- Special Event Disclosures submitted to Public Disclosure Platform

- Financial reports periodically submitted to Istanbul Stock Exchange and Public disclosure  Platform,

- Annual Activity Reports

- Corporate website (

- Notices and Announcements through Trade Registry Gazette and daily newspapers,

- Press releases via press and media,

- Disclosures through Data distribution institutions,

- Conducting interviews, holding meetings and arranging tele-conferences with capital market participants, investors and analysts,

- Communication tools such as Telephone, e-mail, fax

Special Event Disclosures

Special Event Disclosures are prepared according to procedures outlined in Circular No: 54, Serial: VIII of Capital Market Board and submitted to Public Disclosure Platform by company official authorized to make statement.

Public Disclosures of Financial Reports

Financial statements are prepared pursuant to International Financial Reporting Standards, and provisions determined by Capital Market. Semi-annual and end of year financial statements are independently audited auditing pursuant to International Auditing Standards. Before disclosure to public, financial statements are submitted to the approval of Board of Management with the assent obtained from Auditing Committee. Financial reports are approved by the Board of Management and submitted to Public Disclosure Platform together with independent auditing report- if any, in accordance with the period and procedures specified by relevant regulation to be disclosed to the public financial reports disclosed by the Public Disclosure Platform can be accessed through Company’s corporate website.

Activity Report

Activity reports are prepared in accordance with Capital Market regulation and Capital Market Board’s Corporate Management Principles. Activity reports are disclosed on Company’s corporate website.

Announcements and Notices through Trade Registry Gazette and Daily Newspapers

Pursuant to Capital Market Law, Turkish Commercial Code and Articles of Association, announcements in relation with the General Assembly, amendments on Articles of Association, Capital increase and dividend payments are made through both Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and by means of daily newspapers.

Media and press releases 

Company’s authorized officers issue statements to inform public on important developments faced during the year and that will affect our company and Holding companies. If necessary, press meetings are arranged locally and abroad to inform public.

Statements issued to Data Distribution institutions

Statements covering important developments and special event disclosures are shared by the public in Turkish and/or English through data distribution institutions.

Conducting interviews, holding meetings and arranging tele-conferences with capital market participants, investors and analysts 

This is performed by shareholders’ Unit to answer any queries received from present partner’s corporate and potential investors.

To ensure investors are appropriately kept informed about the company’s operational and financial performance, strategies and targets, the company’s executives hold meetings with investment banks and representatives of corporate investors, analysts and investment professionals. If needed, road show meetings and investors’ conferences are participated at home and abroad, teleconferences meetings are held.